Tuesday, 22 February 2011

EDS in the media

Does anyone watch Casualty? This week’s episode had a patient with EDS type 3!!!!

I’m afraid to say I was horrified by the portrayal that was used. The patient was a junkie who “purposely” dislocates his shoulder to receive morphine. It makes us look great doesn’t it? One doctor classed him as a frequent flyer and said that he had drug seeking behaviour. How many of us haven’t heard that line before!

So after the new clinical lead relocates his shoulder, with no pain relief, and no warning, she says “well he won’t try that again”

I have to say it’s quite an accurate portrayal of a doctor dealing with an EDS patient. It’s sickening.

I was hoping to make a short clip but it doesnt seem that its going to be ready any time soon. If i manage it i will upload it.
The patient I am on about is roughly 10 minutes in.

  (video from you tube. I do not own this)

In other news I have to go back to the dreaded dentist. I’ve lost two fillings in the last day L wish me and them luck.

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